
+27 11 996 0600

FFS Refiners is the largest supplier of bespoke heating fuels in South Africa. The company services all sectors requiring heating fuel solutions, including glass and brick making, steam generation, billet heating, baking, incineration, laundry, road-mix heating, lime kilns, and sand and stone drying. The company also produces high quality hydro-treated base oils which are sold into the lubricants blending market.

All FFS processing facilities utilize a full range of technologies in order to achieve a wide range of products to exacting specifications. This is done under stringent environmental management systems and are ISO 14001 accredited.

FFS owns and operates a fleet of over 60 trucks which collect and deliver around 500 000 tons of fuel annually. The vehicles comply with international standards of design and safety, and operate out of five different centers across South Africa, providing national coverage.

Contact Details

104 Umhlatuzana Road
Sea View
PO Box 25102
Rossburgh, 4072

T | 031 459 5300
W |

Calulo is a 51.6% majority shareholder in FFS Refiners